|Just a quick line a week on from when our gorgeous new boy arrived to let you know how things are going. Its like he was destined to be here. He has settled down really quickly and has become my new kitchen assistant at meal times, which can be a little hairy at times due to his height but it keeps me on my toes! He walks beautifully with James (Jamie – who is another Fen Bank dog who I adopted in 2007), and they make a very handsome pair trotting along together. My lurcher Lulu secretly has a bit of a crush on him and he does nothing to discourage her. His arrival has perked up her up a treat since the death of her beloved old friend William in December – she’s 12 herself and has been struggling a bit since, but Archie’s arrival has put a spring in both her and James’ step!
The week has gone so quick and he has been introduced to a few doggy friends to help socialise him, so far so good although we remember everything we had to when we first got James.
I just wanted you to know that Archie is settling well, is truly wonderful and has discovered the sofa and basket of toys and is very happy with lots of wagging tails – we love him to bits !!
Thank you for letting him join our family.
Kindest regards
Judy Megan Nick Rogers
James Lulu & Archie xxxxx